in Aspen Times Weekly,
Aspen, Colorado, USA
July 31, 1999

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young talents find a perfect collaboration in Aspen...Brilliant collaborations
are rare. When they happen, it's a fusion of soul mates. It is fitting
that such a collaboration should begin here in Aspen during the 50th
Anniversary of the Music Festival. The fusing of great collaborative
minds has been a tradition here. Martin
Kutnowski and Bruno Cinquegrani have found their way to just such
a collaboration...the two met this summer through the Aspen Music
Festival and have recently performed Kutnowski's premiere piece, "Postcards",
consisting in three movements...the three separate pieces are interconnected
in their emotive, evocative musicality. In "Venice Sinking"
you can feel the glorious decay of the city. The shimmering light
on the water, Venetian boats. Throughout the piece, the thematic materials
gradually dissolve and sink...[Cinquegrani's and Kutnowski's] is a
rare relationship, and one that perhaps can only exist between artists
working towards the same goal...Last Wednesday, when the piece was
performed, and the packed audience at Harris Hall rose to its feet
to applaud, it was clear that this wasn't going to be the last time
these two young talents would work together..."
Hilary Stunda,
Times Weekly,
July 31, 1999